Monday, June 24, 2013

A typical (work)day

I thought I would share with you a typical work day....and as of right now, I am still in the 3-months-of-observation stage. During this time, I am supposed to get to know the people in my village, meet the important people within the Ministry of Health and in the village, find out the needs of the community so I know in which direction I should be focusing my main project, and adjust to my new home life. 

Right now, winter is settling in, and so mornings and nights are a bit cold. I set my alarm clock for 6:15, but usually I am awakened around 5:30 by a combination of the rooster, my brother cleaning his truck with either a dance tune or church song playing on the radio, and the squeaky house door opening and closing. Either my sister, Anna, or niece,  Tuuli, light a fire outside, or are fetching water to put on the stove inside, to warm for my Meme to bathe. I can hear her go into the bathing area because it is next to my room (hut). I'm able to fall back asleep somewhat, but there is something comforting about listening to her humming a tune while bathing. And when she is done, I then can hear Anna take her turn bathing. Anna usually is singing as well, and after her bath, she usually yells a "Johanna, wa lele po!" (or, "Good morning!") At this point, it's about 6:30, and I know Meme will soon be walking by my hut, as she has about an hour-long walk ahead of her to get to the school where she works, and we always have a morning chat that usually consists of "Good morning", "how are you feeling today" and "have a nice day" - and usually in a combination of English and Oshikwanyama. So I prepare myself to get out of bed at this time, so as to not miss her...but I always dread getting out from under the blankets, where I'm snuggled up nice and warm, while the air in the hut feels so cold. But nature is calling, so I pull myself out of bed, throw on my coat, slip on my flip-flops, grab some toilet paper and head out to the latrine (toilet). I then realize how my hut is much warmer than the air outside (yes, every day, I have this realization) and quickly walk to the latrine, do my business, and hurry back. As I walk back, I can't help but notice the beautiful sky I'm walking towards. At the horizon, the sky is a pretty pink color, changing to yellow, white and then the sun rises. There are no clouds - just a rainbow-colored sky! 

Before going back into the hut, I make my way to the house, to put on my water for my coffee. I have come to the conclusion that, no matter what my lifestyle is, or where in the world I may be living, I still need at least 1 cup of coffee every morning!  

Some days, the bucket where we keep the water in the kitchen is empty, so I go fetch some from the tap outside. And some mornings, there is no clean pot to put the water in to boil, so I have a quick dish-washing session, put my water on the gas stove to boil, and then hurry back in to my warm hut and get the coffee ready in my French press (my one American luxury!). Still feeling a little cold, I usually warm myself up by doing some exercises in the room. I'm still trying to find the best time to workout, and mornings seem to be the best right now. I save the "sweaty" workout sessions for later in the day, but the cold mornings usually consist of some yoga, lunges and push-ups. This gets some blood flowing, and helps me warm up and wake up for the day. I don't want to sweat in the morning, because I usually bathe in the evening. I have tried to bathe in the morning, but the cold wind and air is just something I cannot seem to accept- no matter how hot the water in my bucket is! I would rather bathe after my day's work and workout, while the sun is still somewhat up, and the air is a little warmer.  And I'm sure this routine will change, come summertime....

I splash some water on my face and then go back to the house to grab the boiling water for my coffee. I then throw some eggs or oatmeal into the pot and let that begin to cook. As breakfast is cooking, I go back to the hut with my hot coffee, and while that is steeping, put my sunscreen on and change in to my work clothes. 

After getting myself put together for work, I go back in the house for my food. Some days I will stay in the kitchen to eat, while other days, I bring it back to my hut, and finish gathering my bag full of Oshiwkanyama notes, fruit, lunch and sometimes my computer.  I then brush my teeth, using a bucket as my sink, and when done, dump the used water out over the fence behind my hut (where the kids have also set up my own little clothes line for when I do my laundry).  

I put my "walking" sandals on, and throw a nice pair of "work" sandals or shoes into my bag. The sand I walk thru every day is like beach sand- very soft, but you sink into it. I have tried to wear closed-toe shoes, but they get filled with sand 5 minutes into my walk! So, sandals are the best option - I just have to rinse the sand off my feet when I get to work. 

I leave the house around 7:40, for my 20-minute walk to the clinic. I know my sister has wanted to walk with me a few times, as she leaves around 7:20 to go to her school (she is a teacher as well) but, to be honest, I like to walk by myself - to gather my thoughts for the day, and enjoy the scenery and sounds all around me. Between the donkeys, goats, birds, chickens, cattle, the sounds of kids in the distance as they make their way to school, and the occasional car driving around the village (not many people own cars, so it's a rare thing to have to move out of the way for a car, as it weaves around the trees, through the sand)..... it's kind of a "meditative moment" for me...

Ahhh...and the kids. Well, lately, it seems my solo journey to work doesn't last very long. I usually end up being escorted by a group of kids, who are walking in the same direction to school. And even if they're running late, they will slow down to walk with me, or speed up until they are next to, or just behind, me. They stare at me, and then laugh, and then talk amongst themselves. So I will greet them in Oshikwanyama. They smile and respond. Then I greet them in English. Now, let me just say that greeting each other is very important here in Namibia.  And when I greet an older person in the village, I always greet in Oshikwanyama (although I have had a few instances where they greet me first in either English or Afrikaans. Afrikaans is one of the Namibian languages - traditionally spoken by whites and also spoken in South Africa. So, when an elderly person sees me, they assume I speak Afrikaans (which is very close to German) or English. And when I ignore both, and greet in THEIR language of Oshikwanyama, they are usually delightfully pleased, and smile.) BUT, when I speak to the kids, I make sure to use a little English. They are all learning English in school, and it is an official language in Namibia- but when they go home, they are speaking their native tongue. And so they don't get much practice with English outside of school - and it is very important that they learn to speak it, if they want to go on to the University. And so from the greeting,  we either walk in silence, or attempt to have a conversation in one language or another. And if I look their way, I usually catch them looking at me, they smile, and then turn away. They are all very sweet. And they love it when I try to speak their language! So I'm starting to use this daily walk as a teaching session for myself....

When I finally get to the clinic, I first walk around and greet everyone. Again, greeting is very important- and shows respect. We then "dust" the entire clinic- countertops, doors, walls, etc., using soap and water. Our clinic opens at 8, but we usually don't start seeing patients until around 9.  Tea break is around 10. I will usually collect money from Julia (the receptionist) and Pene (my counterpart) and walk outside to the Memes selling fried fish, bread and fat cakes, and buy bread for all of us for the break or lunch. (I've developed an addiction to this bread! It's sooo good!) The Memes don't speak English, but love it when I attempt to greet them and have a conversation in Oshikwanyama.  Again, this is another time I like to use as a language teaching session for myself. They have no problem trying to help me pronounce the words correctly, and I think they just enjoy watching this white girl trying to speak their language! Ha! 

During the day, I am either 1. having a language tutoring session with Julia,  2. talking with Pene, or helping her with counting and separating medications for the nurses to dispense to the patients, or cleaning, or preparing the HIV room for testing.  She is also the HIV/AIDS coordinator and gives the Health education to the women who come for their first antenatal visit.  I observe these sessions, and maybe one day I'll be able to give it- but for now I just help with the logistics of making enough room for all the women, and sorting out the lab results from previous visits. Or 3. Self-study: I read information on my computer that the PC has given us. There is info on teaching, HIV/AIDS, information technology, neonatal and maternal care and info, fun things to do in Namibia, and so much more. There are also guides and books from the Ministry of Health, explaining all different health issues and policies the country is facing. So, between all of this reading material and studying Oshikwanyama, I am able to keep myself busy. 

I am also in the process of still trying to meet all of the "important" people. I was able to get to a nearby town to meet my supervisor's supervisor, at the district level. And hopefully next week I will be going to the regional hospital, to meet the person above the district supervisor. Also, this week is AIDS Awareness Week. I briefly met 2 of the teachers at the local school who teach life skills, and will be in charge of different events this week at the school. They told me they will come pick me up at the clinic one day this week, so I can be involved with the activities. I'm excited to see what they will be doing, because next year, I'm hoping to have a bigger role in these activities. 

Lunch is from 1-2, and then we close at 5. 

Sometimes, I am able to leave the clinic a little early, but at the end of my work day, I walk 20 minutes back home. Some days my mother or sister are walking by the clinic at the same time, and so I'm able to have company on the walk home. Once back home, I   greet anyone who may be at home. We catch up about the day, and then, since it is getting colder, and the sun is setting earlier, I fetch water and put it on the stove to heat for my bath. Although some days, I use the outside fire to heat my water. And sometimes, the house is so busy with movement and cooking and cleaning, that I don't bathe until after dark. But I try to avoid this, now that it's getting colder once the sun sets. When it was warmer, I actually loved bathing when the moon was out! Again, another "meditative moment" for me :)

We then eat. Food will be a whole separate post, because there is a LOT to say about it! But we either cook a traditional meal over the fire outside, or cook rice or pasta inside. Some days I cook my own meal- and make a little extra, so I can have lunch for the next few days as well.  I also need a little break from their food. Although it's very tasty, it is usually made with a lot of oil and salt, and we eat the meat right from the bone- fat and all. My stomach is just not used to this , and although I haven't had any major problems, I like to just eat some bland beans, vegetables and rice/pasta once in a while. (Again, there will be another separate post on food, food, glorious food!)

Even if I cook my own meal, I will usually eat with the family. They are so much fun to be around, and as I learn the language more, I'm hoping to be part of all of their conversations! But they really make an effort to speak in English, and so I need to make more of an effort to speak their language. But we sit around the fire, laughing and playing with the little baby, Jaden. I usually make some comment on how the "diamonds in the sky" are just beautiful! And I try to teach them about the different constellations and stars. Apparently, when they see a shooting star, it means someone passed away...

And yes, around the fire is where we like to exchange our cultural differences and learn more about each others' traditions and lifestyles. Even though I'm "out in the bush", in Africa, people are people are people. And we all have the same thoughts, wants, likes and dislikes....

And so my night with the family ends around 8 or so, and I go to my room, brush my teeth, climb into bed, tuck my mosquito net under my thin little mattress, wrap the 2 blankets around me, open my Kindle to read a little, and then fall asleep to the sounds of the goats, chickens, donkeys, dogs, and my family inside the house - usually singing and laughing and playing with Jaden....

And their love for life has given me an even newer excitement and love for my life...

And that is a typical day, here in the village...


  1. Thanks for the updates,, So interesting, Art

  2. This is one of your best posts, to-date! It's awesome and I can see how you've come to love what you are doing. It oozes thru each word of your post.

    I think about you a lot, but know you are doing what you truly feel is best and I love you more for that! Stay true to your heart and enjoy your work! You will find so much new to write music about one day, I believe. I miss you girl!

    Your friend forever,

  3. Johanna,
    Someday you might want to put your collection of posts together and write a book. I love reading these. Your writings are so informative and uplifting. Thank you for sharing!
    Aunt Jill
