Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Quick pics...

(I tried to upload a few pictures of my new place, but Internet barely exists, here in the village. I am lucky enough to be able to send and receive emails!)

But I wanted to try to post this picture of me, in my hut, with my 5yr old brother, Junior (he loves using a machete!) and carrying baby Jaden on my back.

(My 15year old sister, Tulli, carried Jaden while using a machete to chop down dead trees for firewood the other day! I'm telling you- these kids have no fear!)

And then there is a picture of Tulli and Junior (wearing my baseball hat- they think that's so American!), hanging out on my hammock that I set up for them right outside my hut, and eating sugar cane- which is one of my many new favorites! Basically, any tree or plant around their house has some sort of fruit or nut. And we just walk through the fields, picking them from the trees and having ourselves a delicious snack...

Yes, between the white beach-like sand, the palm trees and diamonds as stars in the sky every night, yes, at times, I feel like I am in paradise! :)

I have many more pictures and videos to share, but thought I would pass a few new ones along....

Hope you are all doing well!

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