Thursday, December 13, 2012

Overwhelmed...but happy!

Just wanted to give you a quick update:

Today I'm sending in my visa and passport applications, writing up an "aspiration letter" and updating my resume for the Namibia Peace Corps Office, setting up appointments for 2 more vaccinations, organizing and making lists about when I need to cut off my phone, car insurance, etc., looking in to how to transport my "stuff" back home to NY, and of course, reading more blogs, PC info they have sent me, and googling Namibia till I'm blue in the face.... 

.....and finishing up my Christmas shopping!

Oh...and working, of course! lol

Until the next post, I came across this wonderful inspirational video, 
and wanted to share with all of you.
When I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything I need to do, to get to the PC in Namibia,
 I think of this video, 
and realize that Alan Watts' words ring true to me....
And just maybe, if you're evaluating your life, and trying to find your next step, 
I hope this can help....


(via the website: Tragedy and Hope)

You'll actually look forward to your morning commute. Life is calling. How far will you go? Learn more about the Peace Corps

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